Monday, February 25, 2008

Fashion News for the Spring!

Well, I must admit I am so excited for the shoes that are coming out this season. I just returned from a big convention where I saw first hand what styles of shoes are going to be hot and whats available. First of all you are going to be seeing a ton, and I mean a TON of color. Spring has always been known for color, but this spring we get sharp, bright colors. You will see a lot of fushia, purple, yellow, orange, green and blues. Not only do we have great colors to look forward to, but also great patterns. I particularly love this, because then the shoes goes with lots of different things!

Another big trend is the gradient colors. You might be asking what is gradient? Gradient is where it starts from light pink and develops into a dark pink, or maybe white turns to grey which turns to black. All of this in one shoe! I love this look and you will be seeing a lot of it. Not only is it available in shoes but also in handbags.

All, I can say is if you love color you will love spring this year. Brown and Black are always great, but this year mix it up with some color. I promise if you do this, you will get more compliments on your shoes than ever before! This is going to be a great season with lots of great styles to choose from, so get in on the fun and add a pop of color to your everyday outfit.

If you have any questions on shoes that are coming in or even styles that are on their way out, if you want to know more please feel free to ask away. I will be more than happy to share with you the styles you will want to make sure are in your closet! Spring cleaning is a great time to go through your closet and put away those sweaters and bring out the sun and get rid of the old and enjoy some of the new.

For me personally, I have a hard time not spending money shopping each time a new season arrives, there is just something about feeling new and fresh again! So beware, you might see me the local stores this time of the year. I hope everyone has a great spring and really takes advantage of the spring colors! It will lighten all of those around you! :)

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